Tactical Training Academy

The #1 Workplace Safety Training & Consulting Agency
Experts in Emergency Events & Workplace Safety.
Corporate Training, Prevention, & Planning.
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Tactical Training Academy
A facility for individual tactics training, Mission Adventures, and leadership development near Seattle WA.
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The Tactical Training Academy Provides Onsite and Remote:
Empower your staff and change your community for the better.
Expert Witness Services
Drill & Exercise Facilitation
Active Shooter/Violent Intruder Training
Use of Force & Specialty Training/Certifications
Site Safety/Security Assessments, including physical security, CPTED, technology, and EHS.
Model Policies and Procedures for preventing, mitigating and responding to hazards.
Contracted Emergency Managers
Evidence-Based Training in De-Escalation and Violence Prevention
Workplace Safety Training Programs
On-call Consultation





Kris - Owner, Finding Treasures Non-Profit
I can't begin to explain how informative and enlightening the training was. Our staff was very unprepared for an emergency that involved a threat, confrontation or intruder. They gave us practical and applicable strategies we could immediately use and we actually have!
You cant go wrong with TTA.

Melisa - Moses Lake School District, Teaching & Learning
Thank you Tactical Training Academy for all you do to help us be better prepared! The knowledge and training you have given us is power. I am totally excited to bring this to Eastern Washington. Your team knows their stuff.

Al - Director of Risk Management, Housing Authority Risk Retention Pool
This training is perfect- the best I have ever seen. Ten out of ten. I look forward to more training sessions and hope to see your team again in the near future. Thank you again.
Some of our Current & Past Clients:
Washington Association of Educational Office Professionals
Housing Authorities Risk Retention Pool (HARRP)
Department of Agriculture
Puyallup Tribal Health Authority
Longview School District
Oregon Affordable Housing Management Association
Philippine National Police
YMCA of Snohomish County
Edmonds School District
Forbes Media
Blacklake Elementary School
Recon Security
Guardian Real Estate
Tulalip Tribal Court
Gila River Health Care
Muckleshoot Tribal Court
Snohomish Community Church
Housing Opportunities of SW Washington
California State Assembly
Department of the Navy
Water and Sewer Risk Management Pool
Carpenters Union International Training Fund
Stanwood-Camino School District
Tencate Composites
National Association of State Motorcycle Safety Administrators
Tacoma Housing Authority
Winston-Dillard School District
American Academy of Ophthalmology
Rizzo Mattingly Bosworth Law Office
The Young Americans
Clark Pest Control
Finding Treasures Non-Profit
Income Property Management Co.
Liberty Baptist
County of Stanislaus Housing Authority
Little Doves Pre-School
State of Oregon
United Grain Corporation
The City of Los Angeles
Pacific NW Motorcycle Safety
Geneva Academy
Curry Community Health
North East Oregon Housing Authority
Bellingham Cold Storage
Multifamily North-West
Taiyo Pacific Partners
Berkshire Hathaway Real Estate
Blue River Pet Care
Unity Counsel
Catholic Community Services
Muckleshoot Family Services Division
Trident Seafood's
Shilo Ranch Church
Natural Factors
How do we justify the hardships of the human condition with reality? When suffering comes, will life fall apart? Or will the principles of our lives hold us together?
Embedded within these pages are questions about the inevitability of death, the longing for a full life, and the disappointment of loss. With factual stories ranging from alpine mountain rescues to an armed intruder trying to kill his family, G. R. Burns writes a candid reflection on suffering and explores the possibilities of recovery. Can suffering be avoided? Can trauma be minimized? Is recovery possible?
Within are answers to some of these questions and tangible tactics to live well.
There is a path that leads home.

It is astonishing what happens to the human body under extreme amounts of traumatic stress, especially when facing interpersonal violence. The sad reality is that violent situations are dramatically escalating in the West. There is no assured way of preventing them, no way to avoid them, and no way to physically prepare for them.
It is a problem for which there is only one solution. It is a solution that whispers to us in every facet of our lives: we must be confident of who we are in light of a greater vision.
In Forged Through Fire: Developing Preparedness for the Perilous Encounter, Burns describes real readiness for the active shooter, the serial killer, or the intruder in your home. Perhaps even more importantly, he calls forth a deep understanding of who we are.
A Culture of Fear, A Community of Denial
Why You Must Take Ownership of the Safety Strategy

"Most disaster-related training is not at all exciting. It is downright scary, often traumatizing the participants and community more than they were originally, leading to even further denial and a lack of community coordination."
Unfortunately, you’re being told all the wrong things.
When you turn on the news, you’re told that another unpreventable attack caused
horrific casualties. You’re told that a “crazy person” “just snapped” …and the message
behind the madness is fear and a lack of power to change the outcome.
When you research the topic of “Active Shooters”, you hear from the FBI that you’re
more likely to be struck by lightning than be injured or killed in an “Active Shooter”
attack. So why worry? The message is denial and a false sense of complacency.
Both of these claims, and more importantly the underlying message behind them, is
false. Did you know the FBI has a legal definition of what they can classify as an “Active Shooter” situation? Here it is, summarized: Three or more people shot in a single event, resulting from a random act of violence, excluding all acts of domestic violence, gang activity, terrorism or other forms of targeted criminal homicide. This definition doesn’t take into consideration any form of attack that utilizes knives, bombs, other commonly accessed weapons, all the attacks that are prevented, or any attack that results in less than three injuries.
No wonder I have a better chance of being struck by lightning. But I wonder… when we boil the problem of “active shooter’s” down to the real issue… which is violence between persons… what are the chances you’ll encounter it?
You know the answer.
Here is the truth: Not only is aggressive and violent behavior one of the most likely traumatic emergency events we will encounter throughout our lives, it is one of the most avoidable if we approach the problem correctly. The issue at hand, the problem that needs addressing, is that of violence. How can a human justify aggression toward others, and then escalate through that aggression until their only perceived option is using violence as a means to solve their problems?
Sometimes it’s personal. A few years ago, a manager we worked with had been shot three times after a hostile employee came back into work for revenge (of course, that event didn’t meet the strict definition of an active shooter situation, even though a firearm was involved). Other times, the violence is farther removed.
Just last year, we helped consult an HR department that had some serious concerns. An employee at a remote facility was talking about shooting others. He said he carried guns in his car, which was confirmed by another employee. On top of it all, he didn’t get that promotional opportunity he thought he deserved. And now he was making veiled threats to take things into his own hands. They called the police, and Law Enforcement said, “Sorry, nothing illegal is happening that we can prove so there isn’t anything we can do.”
What do you do with this person? Fire him? Ask yourself, will that really make it less likely for him to carry out his threat? It’s a tricky situation, and there absolutely is a right - and a wrong - answer.
Do you want to change your workplace, your community, and your culture? The right way to do it is here. Engage your team with correct information about how violence escalates and how it can be adequately addressed early, both through de-escalation and a corporate safety strategy. Empower your team with tools they can use during each stage of aggressive behavior: Anxiety, Testing, and Attack. Teach your team to identify targeted and reactive styles of aggression and which tools to utilize in each scenario.
This shouldn’t be a scary conversation. It should be empowering. It should be fact-based. It should be effective. It is applicable in any industry, any facility, and any community.
The Instructors at the TTA are tired of seeing and hearing about ineffective training methods. We’re aware of other training organizations that bring in simunition firearms, shooting people at random during a 2-hour training with the intent of teaching “stress inoculation”. Others offer you an online training course that can be completed in just a few minutes.
Both are ineffective extremes. Both do more harm than good and make our job harder.
It seems like most “trainers” and “consulting agencies” for violence don’t understand the psychology of violence at all. Regardless, most do a very poor job of teaching everyday people in a way that works… and doesn’t scare the hell out of them.
As a leader in your community, you are the driving force behind an empowering attitude to prevent and act correctly during violent events. Effective Safety Strategies to address the problem of violence are within reach, easy to implement, and necessary for the safety and well-being of your team. Don’t wait for a close call to spur you into action. Take action now.
About the Author: Greg is an international emergency manager, best-selling author, and founder of the Tactical Training Academy, an emergency preparedness organization. His goal is to empower you …and, thereby your family, schools, businesses, and community… to take a stand against violence. Greg can be reached for questions or comments at Greg@Training-Academy.org.