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Tactical Training Academy

The #1 Workplace Safety Training & Consulting Agency
Quality Training & Consulting
Professional Instructors, Perfected Programs, Proven Results
How much do you charge per-person? Is there a class-size limit?We never charge per person, or put a cap on the number of people you can have in a class! Each and every stakeholder in your organization, family and community will encounter emergencies during their lifetime. We want them all to be empowered. Instead of charging per-person, we charge on a flat half-day or full-day rate. Whether you have five people in a session or five hundred; whether you host one in-depth 8-hour training session or four back-to-back 2-hour sessions, our cost remains the same. Let's maximize your time.
Do you conduct training on-site my facility?Yes! We come to you! Research shows that training for emergencies is most effective when taught and practiced on-site, where employees are most likely to actually use it. Whether that is in a house of worship, at school, or at work, we want you to be as successful as possible. With offices in three central locations, travel is included in our rates: you will NOT be billed for our travel expenses after the fact.
How long are your training classes?Any length that works for your team. Our costs are based on a flat half-day or full-day rate. Whether you host one in-depth 8-hour training session or four back-to-back 2-hour sessions, our cost remains the same. Typical sessions are 2, 4 or 8-hours long. Part of our package includes remote pre-planning meetings between your company representative and our Master Instructors, to specifically tailor the program to your working environment. Whether that is several, short 1-hour sessions or several longer sessions, we are here to give your team the skills they need to prevent, respond and plan for workplace safety hazards.
What are you most sought-after training courses?Our De-Escalation, Violent Intruder and Incident Command (ICS) courses are regularly sought after by schools, hospitals, government agencies and local organizations. Each course is customized to your specific setting, whether you are a transportation department, external sales team or HR team. You can view some of our training sessions here. Contact us to see an example class outline for your team. Individuals use our Mission Adventure Camp facility for advanced courses and leadership development. View our offerings for individuals here.
Do you offer train-the-trainer courses?No. Research clearly shows a dramatic decline in program effectiveness when taught by outside trainers, that may or may not be experts in the psychology of violence and emergency management. If you truly want your team to be able to respond to emergencies and violence escalation in the workplace, they need hands-on high-retention learning conducted by the best trainers in the field. A three-day train-the-trainer course is cutting the rest of your team short and, frankly, increases our liability (and yours).
Do you offer online training programs?Normally, No. Would you put your child behind the wheel of a car on an interstate after having them watch a few on-line videos? Research shows that online and e-learning programs are NOT effective when teaching people to recognize and then take action under stress. Our evidence-based programs are designed to be conducted on-site and in-person. However, we recognize that we're living in unprecedented times. Due to current world situations, we are offering our programs in a 100% online format at a reduced rate. In addition, we produce some videos especially designed to help our clients with in-house training. Schoolteachers and parents have access to our publically available K-5 and Secondary videos, used in-classrooms across the nation to assist in having healthy conversation with students about emergencies. Check them out!
I would like to individually take a class with you. Can I walk-in on a session?No, unless you are attending a session specifically open to your community hosted by a local organization. Individual classes are open for registration through our Mission Adventure Camp and our Membership Program. You can view these classes here.
Does your training scare people?Absolutely not. We are fully aware that other poorly equipped trainers in our industry often use scare-tactics and "stress-inoculation" training. This often leaves participants more traumatized then when they started. Our programs are evidence-based, perfectly balancing the reality of danger in the world while leaving participants empowered and equipped to handle such situations. Our Master Instructors work with each client to tailor the training to your unique work environment. If your team already has an appropriate level of readiness training, or are a specialty group (LE, security, response team, etc.) MOCK scenes and force-on-force based scenarios may be appropriate and can be included in your sessions upon request.
What is the TTA Membership Program?Our TTA Membership Program was created so that individuals with a noble bearing and spirit could grow, both in character development and tactical expertise. Our Membership Program is a 12-month commitment, that includes advanced combat training, scenarios, and comradery that is rarely experienced in the modern world. Learn more, and receive your invitation to join the TTA Membership Program, by attending one of our monthly Intro to Lethal Force classes (register here).
Can I sign up for courses offered at your Mission Adventure Camp as an individual?Yes!! In fact, the MAC was created so that individuals could experience the character that comes from advanced training. Check out for events you can sign up for.
Can a small group or workplace utilize the MAC for classes, retreats or individualized training?"Yes. Small groups, workplaces and even, on occassion, individual 1-on-1 instruction are all available through our MAC facilities. Contact us for additional details and scheduling.
Can your facility be rented out by agencies who need to conduct training?Yes, but our facility rules will apply to your event - which includes restrictions on live-fire. Contact us for more information.
Why are schools still teaching students to "Lockdown" in response to acts of violence?"We have no idea. Perhaps it is some combination of fear and denial, or resistance to change. Either way, it is unacceptable. While some veins of thought still consider "lockdown" as a viable option in response to a violent intruder, none of them are very credible. If your school is still practicing "Lockdown", they are defying recommendations from the federal government and current best-practices. Research has shown that a dynamic, options-based approach must be taken to respond to acts of violence (which are, by their very nature, dynamic situations). Our Move, Evade, Defend program takes the fear out of the Department of Homeland Security recommended "Run, Hide, Fight" approach: Move: If you know where the threat is, get away from it if at all possible. Use any means necessary! Evade: Depending on how much you know and where the threat is/what the weapon is, moving might not be the best option. Evade includes barricading your area using SMART methods (specific, measurable, action-oriented, reasonable, time-sensitive), lockouts (keeping a threat outside of your facility) and hiding as appropriate to the scenario. Defend: When Move and Evade are no longer options, there are simple and effective things you can do to survive (even if you’re not a ninja). A key element to our Move, Evade, Defend program is prevention. Almost all historical acts of violence could have been prevented through correct awareness, planning and action taken during the early stages of escalation!
How do I teach my children about violence and emergencies in a healthy way?First, your children must be included in this conversation. They are the adults inheriting our problems, after all. And the training they receive must be age-appropriate. Starting with open, loving communication is key. Stay away from fear-based approaches and graphic videos! Make sure you have a family plan for the "What happens if...." scenario. Actually talk through that plan with your family. You can use one of our K-5 or 6-12 student videos to start the conversation.
Are violent situations truly increasing in our culture?Unfortunately, yes. While the turn of the 21st century saw decades of overall decline in reported violent crime, it began rising again around 2010. In addition, keep in mind that "violent crime" and the FBI definition for "Active Shooter" are very different statistics. Active shooter situations have increased dramatically, both in number of casualties and events over the past two decades. These "Active Shooter" statistics don't take into consideration any form of attack that is prevented, results in less than three injuries, that involves a relationship between parties, that utilizes knives, bombs or other commonly accessed weapons, or any other form of defined homicidal assault. In short, we're not doing a very good job tracking the data that matters. If you're looking for better data than what you hear in day-to-day media, check out this website. The K-12 database includes each time a gun is brandished, fired or hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims:
What do I do if my child heard something concerning, but doesn't want to get anyone in trouble?"Breaking the code of silence is critical to changing our cultural perceptions about violence. You must take action to report concerning signs, even if they seem small at the time. Your school should have an anonymous reporting tool that gives community members and students the ability to report any concern about threats, bullying, harassment, drugs or any other safety concern at any time. Teach your children that reporting concerns does not automatically get another person into trouble. What it should do is open up resources and options for that person. In fact, it could save their life. Humans only use violence as a means to solve their problems as a last-resort, when they don't perceive any other way forward. When you become aware of someone starting to plan or justify violence against another, action is a must.
What is the difference between a Risk/Safety Assessment and a Threat Assessment Team (TAT)?A Risk or Site-Safety Assessment is an on-site walkthrough of your facilities to identify hazards, safety issues and gaps in your emergency management planning. A Threat Assessment Team (TAT) is a multi-jurisdictional team called together to evaluate a specific threat or circumstance that is causing concern. After an investigation, this team develops a written plan to best address the issue of concern: whether that is a regular upset customer, hostile employee, or threatening student.
How do you charge for a Risk/Safety Assessment or TAT evaluation?Instead of charging by the square foot or per-person, we charge on a flat half-day or full-day rate. Reach out to us for a proposal regarding your specific needs. Let's maximize your time.
How long does a Risk/Safety Assessment of my facility take?This depends on the scope of our assessment and the size of your facilities. For a single hazard assessment, a site-walkthrough can take just a few hours. We often conduct these in tandem with training sessions held on-site. An all-hazard assessment, which comes with a full after-action report for your team, includes a review of your current policies and procedures, training and exercise plans, chemical hygiene, workplace safety history, physical security, technology systems and other hazards. This level of assessment can take between one and several days to complete, with 7-10 business days for our emergency mangers to process the data into your report.
We don't have have any written policies/procedures. Can you help?Yes. We highly recommend having a violence-specific hazard annex in your emergency operations plan. Translated, your employees should have absolutely no doubt about how to respond to pre-attack indicators and signs of violence. We provide model documents on preventing, responding and recovering to violence and other hazards, including weapons on-property, search and seizures, chemical hygiene, reunification, workplace safety, and other safety/security systems. Our polices/procedures are implemented in schools, organizations and private businesses across the U.S.
Don't see the question you're looking for? Contact us at or 425.773.2930
The Tactical Training Academy (TTA) is an organization that specializes in emergency management and empowering training at affordable prices. As a cadre of current and former Law Enforcement and Emergency Managers, we are acclaimed internationally as a training organization and work with law enforcement, security, and government agencies as much as we work with the private sector.
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