Tactical Training Academy

The #1 Workplace Safety Training & Consulting Agency
Quality Training
Indepth, Inexpensive, Internationally Acclaimed
Proud provider of Red Cross
First Aid/CPR/AED certifications

Fire Prevention and Fire Extinguisher Use
Local and Federal Law requires your employees and
managers to not only have a plan regarding fire
prevention and mitigation, but also have your
employees training on this plan annually.
Fires destroyed over 14.3 Billion dollars of property in
2015 alone. The fire department responds to a fire every
23 seconds, yet it only takes seconds for a fire to get out
of control.
The Tactical Training Academy can provide hands-on, fun, and interactive training for fire prevention and recognition. Our training includes hands-on fire extinguisher use, knowledge regarding OSHA regulations and fire types, and current fire technology (including evacuation systems, communication, suppression systems, and SIMPLEX panel use). Our training meets OSHA CFR 1910.157 training requirements.
The TTA provides 24/7 on-call emergency managers that many districts, agencies and businesses rely on. If you're interested in a partnership with our team for multiple services, contact us for a proposal.

First Aid, CPR, and AED Certifications
The Tactical Training Academy offers your personal
group, organization, or business current First Aid, CPR
and AED certifications.
Our certification classes are taught by Red Cross
Instructors and current First Responders. We can tell
you exactly when to call 911, what information to
provide, how to perform emergency care, and how to
prevent the incident in the first place.
We perform adult, child, and infant classes for CPR, First Aid, and AED use. We bring in the best training equipment so your staff can have hands-on experience with the real thing. Get a quote of services today.